Tostaky Creative Community
participative art | visual arts
Artist Collective, Montreal, Canada
juillet 2015
Tostaky was a creative community (2010-2014) that was aiming to promote a new social dynamic by enhancing experimentation and encouraging people to explore their creative potential. Nearly 200 artists and more than 1000 people participated in our activities. Curating, scenography, and artist supervising for all activities. All activities were in French, titles are translated.
see some videos here
Creative Revolt I*, Under the Van Horne Viaduct, 2011;
Creative Revolt II*, 4700 Saint-Ambroise forecourt, 2012;
Plastic experimentations*, Studio Tostaky, 3 october 2010.
Wonders and decays*, La Baraque, 20 april 2010;
Primitive*, Envers, 21 october 2010;
Disorders*, Théâtre Carré, 30 april 2011;
Creative chain I*, Studio Tostaky, 2011;
Creative chain II*, Aiguilles tournent à l’envers, 2013.
Online exhibition
TagArt, Foster everyday creation*, 2013.
Public Artworks
Figures, Écho d’un Fleuve, 2012;
Kosmos, Nuit Blanche sur Tableau Noir, 2012;
Le coin de ma rue, Airs libres, 2010.
Cet ouvrage regroupe toutes les créations du premier Défi Créatif sur le thème Merveilles & Décadence et vous fait découvrir l’événement du 16 avril en images. Il décrit également plus en détails la mission de la communauté Tostaky. Découvrir le catalogue d’exposition complet ici.