[Re]Entering the Narrative · (R)Entrer dans le récit


HAMARAT, Y. (2023). [Re]Entering the Narrative /(R)Entrer dans le récit. in Bioregional Design Practices — Pratiques de design biorégional, Atelier LUMA, Arles, France.

juin 2023

This book-object brings together initiatives, texts, reflections and materials that explore the links between design, territory and ecology. There are explorations and experiments by Atelier Luma and its guests, producing new-rooted knowledge and raising further ¿questions? about ecological issues and practices.

In the continuation of my text published in Sciences du Design (2021, no14), modestly and briefly, I continue a reflection on design and ecology by mobilising Vinciane Despret’s concept of « availability » [disponibilité] in narratives where humans and non-humans « make common ». ⊳¡Thank you for the invitation!⊲

o o o o 😉 à Serge Gainsbourg 😉 o o o o

Bioregional Design Practices — Pratiques de design biorégional with the contributions de Maja Hoffmann, Mustapha Bouhayati, Jan Boelen, Caroline Bianco, Louise Schouwenberg, Jane Withers, Anaïs Voy-Gillis, Amélie Klein, Nicolas Nova et Yaprak Hamarat.