Article Le design social est-ce, un champignon? Le concept d’agencement polyphonique d’Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing pour penser la transition écologique par le design
Dissemination | Research through design The Aesthetics of ecological engagement: graphic objects #01 & #02
Participatory design | Social Innovation Architects and end-users interactions in residential housing in Wallonia
Public Policies | Social design Services for cultural and communitarian center library of North-Montreal
Article L’esthétique, levier d’action pour l’engagement écologique : l’ethnographie d’un atelier de vélo communautaire / Aesthetics, lever of action for ecological commitment: the ethnography of a community bicycle workshop
Exhibition | Urban installation “Enchanted scrap metal: dancing objects troupe” in Montreal South-West
graphic design | materials | motion design Transform, Innovate, Disrupt: Les Ateliers de la Recherche en Design MTL
Exhibition | Urban installation “Antefacts” in IN/EX: Experience Beyond the Walls in Centre-Sud Montreal